martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Novedad: una ruta de película

La película 'Ocho apellidos vascos' se estrenó hace poco y ha tenido un 'boom' en el país. Después de librar endorfinas en el cine se puede venir a visitar los lugares donde se grabó la película en el País Vasco. Llevamos grupos (hasta 8 personas - no hace falta tener 8 apellidos vascos) a estos lugares emblematicos completando la experiencia con un poco de gastronomía.
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Trailer Teaser

Novelty: A trip visiting the scenes shot in the Basque Country of the "most-seen Spanish movie ever" (El País)

‘Ocho apellidos vascos’ depicts..."some of Spain’s most recognizable regional stereotypes, and in particular the cultural contrasts between the south (Andalucía) and the north (the Basque country). According to long standing stereotypes, people from Andalucía are friendly, open and expressive while those from the Basque country are more serious and less expressive....The plot is quite simple: a Basque girl is out partying in Seville when she meets a prototypical Sevillano guy: a happy-go-lucky joker sporting a slick hair style. The two experience an almost explosive culture shock. TheSevillano will take a trip to a small coastal town in the Basque country where he will encounter a feminist who hates all Andalucíans, forcing him to attempt to pass himself off as a local..."  Read more

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